About Us

About Us

Planting and Olive Orchard in the Golan
Checking up on a vineyard in Yitzhar
Planting a new vineyard in Bet El
Prepping the land in Beer Sheva for an urban orchard with immigrants from Ethiopia
Zo Artzeinu was founded in 1993 in order to help safeguard the land of Israel, help people share in new agriculture mitzvot only applicable in Israel, educate people about the importance of the holy land of Israel, trees, fruits, agriculture and the environment, as well as help the land and entire communities flourish and grow.
Since then we have planted more FRUIT trees in Israel than any other organization. The trees not only beautify and settle the land, but provide a living and support for entire communities who work the land and take care of these trees and their fruits. They also give us all the opportunity to share in fulfilling numerous Mitzvot, Biblical commandments on the land, the trees and their fruits.

Planting FRUIT trees fulfills the Torah Mitzvah, (Biblical Commandment) to plant FRUIT trees when entering and returning to the land as stated in Leviticus 19:23 ויקרא

The Torah (Bible) also says:

"And I will bless those who bless you"(Genesis 12:3 בְּרֵאשִׁית)Iוַאֲבָרְכָה, מְבָרְכֶיךָ

Planting FRUIT trees brings a Blessing to the People and the Land!

We are endorsed by many prominent Rabbis and leaders.

We also run school programs teaching students about fruit trees, Israel and the mitzvot, plus run community programs and group planting.

HaRav Melamed explains the importance of Planting Trees
Your can Perform a mitzvah (good deed) that can only be done with fruit trees.
  • We plant FRUIT trees.
  • Emulate Hashem (G-d) who planted a garden in Eden.
  • Planting fruit trees fulfills a Torah (Biblical) commandment (Levitikus 19:23).
  • Our tree planting provides jobs and a living for entire communities.
  • Express your love in a way that "literally" BEARS fruit every year.
  • We observe all the Halachot (Biblical Laws) of fruit trees including Orlah, Netta Rivai, Shemittah, Terumot, Maasrot etc.
  • Organizations and people can plant orchards in honor or in memory of someone, or for someone's well being.
  • We will place a sign in front of your Orchard with the name of your organization and the dedication name, and mail you a photo of it.
You can help the FUTURE by planting a fruit tree TODAY!

Click to Dedicate a Tree
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