You can STILL join people Worldwide "United 4 New Trees of Life"

“When you besiege a city... do not destroy its trees... for man is like a tree of the field" (Deuteronomy 20:19 讚讘专讬诐)

Help plant 12,000 Fruit Trees for the 1,200 holy victims!

馃憠 Plant Trees for the Victims NOW!

Since the murder on Oct 7th, people are looking for something meaningful to do.


Our Response to Terror... From now and continuing until spring time...

They Murder 1,200 holy Jews, We will plant 12,000 Trees & Create NEW Life!


From now until the summer Schools, Congregations and Communities worldwide are uniting to plant 12,000 Fruit Trees near the Gaza border for the 1,200 victims. Thousands of New mitzvot will come from these Trees and their Fruits and will be in memory of the victims. Together, we'll create NEW Life!

This will accomplish 4 goals:

1. Support farmers and communities in need, help save their farms while safeguarding the holy land!

2. Show Hamas supporters worldwide that we are here to stay, and will continue to GROW!!
3. Plant
12,000 New Fruit Trees in memory of, & leilui nishmat the 1,200 k'doshim and create NEW LIFE!!!

4. Share in mitzvot that can only be observed in Israel, and in its blessing! (讜职爪执讜执旨讬转执讬 讗侄转-讘执旨专职讻指转执讬 诇指讻侄诐" (讜讬拽专讗"

Planting Started in Nachal Oz!

We sent a truck full of trees to the residents in Nachal Oz on the Gaza Border who saw so much death. 60 soldiers and a dozen kibbutz residents were killed. more were kidnapped. Send them MORE trees to plant!

Planting continues in Kibbutz Magen!

Trees were donated and planted by a community in LA California on a supportive mission to Israel. They planted, Fig, Avocado, Mango, Orange, Clementine, Lemon, Pamela, Pamolit, Grapefruit, Loquat and Litchi Trees.

馃憠 Plant Trees for the Victims NOW!

Say Birchat Hailanot - The Fruit Tree Blessing

This Bracha (Fruit Tree Blessing) is said, during the Jewish month of Nisan 谞讬住谉, spring time (March-May) in front of Fruit Trees in blossom anywhere in the world. In colder climates it can be said later when the fruit trees begin to flower. Click HERE to see a WORLDWIDE map of Fruit Trees so you can locate one near you and say the Blessing!

Excerpt translated from a letter written by HaRav Yaakov Ariel, leading Posek on the Mitzvos of Agriculture in the Holy Land, author of dozens Halachic Seforim (books) on this subject, former Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan and head of Machon Torah VeHa'aretz.

“ is appropriate that everyone in the world partner with a farmer in Israel to fulfill all the mitzvot 诪爪讜讜转 讛转诇讜讬讜转 讘讗专抓... and through this partnership HE KEEPS THESE MITZVOT AS WELL because the land belongs to us all... 
I therefore bless the efforts of Zo Artzeinu’s Tree Planting Campaign”
HaRav Ya'akov Ariel - Click to see letter

EVERY order receives an authentic Certificate showing your Partnership.

You'll receive a personalized certificate stating the number of trees you partnered with. 

Dedicate your trees in honor or memory of friends or loved ones. Keep the certificate for yourself or have us mail it to others.

Makes a meaningful Gift!

The Torah (Bible) instructed;

“When you come to the land plant FRUIT trees”

Leviticus 19:23 讜讬拽专讗

The Torah (Bible) says:
讜址讗植讘指专职讻指讛, 诪职讘指专职讻侄讬讱指

"I will bless those who bless you"
 (Genesis 12:3 讘旨职专值讗砖讈执讬转)

Planting Fruit trees, brings blessing to the people and the Land!

Rabbi Berel Wein Jewish scholar, author, lecturer and historian
“Zo Artzeinu is a Reliable Organization. They have a good track record of planting trees and keeping the Mitzvos" (Biblical Commandments)
Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Chief Rabbi of Tzfat Planting trees with Zo Artzeinu in Reichan 专讬讬讻谉 in the Shomron creating new life, new mitzvos and helping support and settle the holy land of Israel making it grow and flourish.

 Why People Plant Fruit Trees

Share in the Mitzvah

Fulfills the Biblical Mitzvot and brings blessing to Israel and those who plant it.

Supports Israel's Economy

Helps support entire communities, the economy of Israel and protects the land.

Meaningful Gift

Makes a meaningful gift for Weddings, Bar or Bat Mitzvah's, in memory of someone.

News and Updates

Miracle Shmitta Grapes

Amazing true story with Ariel BenSheitreet a grape farmer who runs the vineyard in Yitzhar. Read what happend to his grapes before last Shmitta (Sabbatical year)

Click Here

Miracle Banana Field Story

Amazing true story with Gibor Koach a banana farmer, who decided to keep Shmitta (the Sabbatical year) for the first time in his life after many years of farming. Click Here

Keeping Shmitta saved lives!

IDF video explaining the story of how keeping Shmitta enabled them to thwart the terror tunnel attack next to a Moshav where friends of Zo Artzeinu helped plant thousands of fruit trees. Click Here

The Admor of Piacezne Rav Kalman Menachem Shapira planting fruit trees at the Aish Kodesh Vineyard. The Rebbe is the son of Reb Elimelech Shapira, and assumed the mantle of the Piacezne Chassidus in Ramat Beit Shemesh since his father passing in 1997.

The Rebbe's Grandfather Reb Yeshaya Shapira (1891-1945) brother of Rebbe Kalonymus Kalman Shapira the Piacezne Rebbe from poland who wrote the Aish Kodesh hy"d, was known as Admor Hachalutz, the Pioneering Rebbe who came to Israel in 1920 and help build up Eretz Israel in Land, Torah and Mitzvot. He wrote a Sefer book called Eretz Chafeitz about the importance of planting fruit trees in Eretz Yisrael and about the Mitzvos Hatluyos Baaretz, Mitzvos that can only be performed in the Holy land.

Former deputy speaker of the Knesset planting trees

Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett cofounders of Zo Artzeinu helping plant 600 Fruit Trees near Shilo site of the Biblical Tabernacle. Trees were sponsored by lovers of Israel from around the world.

MK "Planting FRUIT trees in Israel Fullfills the Biblical Mitzvot and is one of the BEST ways to show God & the world we are here to STAY"

President of Israel Planting Fruit Trees with Zo Artzeinu

Israeli's president Rubi Rivlin planting avocado trees in Moshav Yavul in southern Israel near the Gaza boarder. The president traveled to the south of Israel to show his support for the farmers and express his admiration for them living in the Negev (desert) and turning it into a growing, thriving and productive oasis

Ethiopian Jews in Beer Sheva

Prepping the land in Beer Sheva for an urban orchard with our Jewish brothers who immigrated from Ethiopia. This improves the Negev, unites the residents around a project that feeds them and teaches about self sustainability as well. Zo Artzeinu member also teach them how to keep the Biblical Mitzvot with these trees and their fruits.

More information about trees

Plant Trees get Tree Certificate

When you order trees we'll send a personalized certificate showing your partnership!

Read educational inspiring Articles

Read educational inspiring Articles about fruit trees in Israel including Amazing stories

Tree Locations

Zo Artzeinu plants Fruit trees all across Israel from the Golan in the North to the Negev in the South, with a focus on Biblical Cities

Videos of Farmers and Communities

See inspiering Videos of Farmers and Communities planting fruit trees, creating new jobs and Mitzvot

Partner with a Farmer in Israel from ANYWHERE in the world!

Share in the Mitzvah and Brocha!

"I will Ordain my Blessing for you"  讜职爪执讜执旨证讬转执讬 讗侄转志讘执旨专职讻指转执讬謾 诇指讻侄謹诐

(Leviticus 25:21 讜讬拽专讗)

Click Here to Plant
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